Monday 7 September 2015

Inspiring - 77 year old kite surfer

I rarely repost from other blogs but this film of a local kite surfer resonated very strongly. The film is set between Hill Head and Lee on Solent, adjacent to the Seafarers Sailing Club.


 With the prospect of my 60th year in the not too distant future I found this very inspirational.


  1. Thanks - I also found it very inspirational.

  2. I am glad you did re-post this. I am 64 with a similar resolve as this 77 year old to make the autumn years count - I love his attitude, he's an inspiration.

  3. I have windsurfed before and thought at 49 I probably shouldn't try kitesurfing. Delighted to add that to the long list of things I've been wrong about! Thanks for sharing this.

  4. Fabulous vid - thanks for posting, very inspirational!


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