So far the bank holiday weekend has been cold, overcast, threatening rain and blowing 25 to 30 knots. Ever the optimist I decided to check out a few of the local weather stations to see if there was any prospect of it improving for a late afternoon sail.
Down at Hurst Castle maximum gusts were up at 34 knots, closer to home Netley Sailing Club were showing gusts of 27-29.5 knots.
As a last effort I went over to Solent Web Cam over at AIS Live where Tony tracks shipping movements on a google earth type image and has a web cam pointing from Ryde of the Isle of Wight across the Solent towards Stokes Bay.

Now I remember reading something about Mr Obama being asked to pay the London Congestion charge for his motorcade which got me wondering of one of our local harbour masters had been out to collect overnight fees for anchoring?