Saturday 27 December 2014

All points north

Matilda Emile our First 21 was sold and traveled by trailer to her new base in Scarborough during November.

She's been a great little boat and I'm sure the new owner will have lots of fun sailing her.  If you're up that way the owner is a member of the Scarborough YC and plans to race her in the the club's North Sea race. Now renamed Valkyre before she went back in the water she had a good polish and some paint, I especially like the gold cove stripe and the Christmas tree.

Of course this leaves us with the dilemma of what next? Quite apart from having no idea, I did quick tot up of the remaining Bursledon fleet and got to 10 (including the herb boat) and not forgetting that Joseph will most likely be needing an Opi soon.


  1. Baydog, a little she's a great little boat, really fun and easy to sail but getting a bit small for us as a weekend getaway , getting old and liking home comforts a little too much.


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