Lynaes-dinghy's history.
The knowledge about the Lynaes-dinghy can be drawn back to about 1820, when pilot Ole Jensen in Frederikssund (about 40 km west of Copenhagen) built an outstandig seaworthy and well-sailing dinghy-type. Its special mark was also at that time its rounded stern and broad width, which made it extremely seaworthy no matter the waves.
After a hurricane in 1852, where many fishermen lost their lives, Ole Jensen built a series of fishingboats according to the Lynaesdinghy's lines, well-sailing and extremely seaworthy. In this way the little dinghy became a mother to the big fishingboats.

Shipbuilder Christian Madsen, carried on the traditions and built Lynaesdinghies without drawings and designs, but with the craftsmans eye, skill and experience. Many tried to do his tricks but often with a poor result. Still the old saying among fishermen in Lynaes is valid: "When one is unable to cope on the fjord in a Lynaes, it is impossible at all to be there in a dinghy" .
Patrick has a series of pictures and lines drawing for the dinghy. In addition he has some interesting pictures of the restoration of a William Atkin's designed "Eric". Atkin's is reported to have based the design which he published in 1924 on the Colin Archer famous for his double ended Rescue Boats which saw service with Norway's Redningsselskapet (lifeboat service).
I've received several inquires about the lofted plans, created from line drawings. Unfortunately my Flicker account is now obsolete. However you may reach me at kd0dvh~AT~gmail~DOT~com. Kind regards, Patrick