Friday 9 June 2017

Shock of the new

There's a poignancy to this picture that I like, the remains of a single, old working boat gradually decaying, reverting back to the elements from which it was made. While across the river in the bustling marina a new generation of pleasure boats define the changed times.

Boats have become part time pleasure craft, vessels of affection, with an altogether more trivial purpose, the old discarded and unwanted - it could be a metaphor for modern life or maybe I'm just feeling a bit old myself.


  1. Max - you might find this interesting... spotted them on my way back from a recent Jolly Boys outing.. fascinating read.

  2. Something quite ironic in toys meant for instant gratification, then discarded, when they will never return to the elements they are made of.

  3. In commmision to old hulks - the rhythm of life.


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