Friday 4 December 2015

Eastney boats

Tucked up behind the spit at Eastney there were a few interesting boats as we were wandering around at the end of summer.

A sporty looking trailer sailor on an almost walk ashore mooring.

It's not a good photograph, but that looks like a lee board on this red day sailor, interesting to know the rational and history behind it.

A few fishing boats drawn up alongside the house boats and dinghies.

In the marina what looks like a Cork 1720, lots of fun.

And an MFV which would make a nice weekend getaway.

Couldn't get a better shot of  this fast looking cat,, the retractable dagger boards seem to be right outboard - almost lee boards and the silver paint job looks great.

1 comment:

  1. Shame... you missed the yellow Fantasie 19 down there... which I have an interest (and affinity) with for obvious reasons... :o)


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