Which google translates as "That's my daughter Chloe" was spotted outside a chandlers in Locmariaquer on the northwest shore of the entrance to the Gulf of Morbihan.
Even if my French had been good enough, it was lunch time so there was no one around to ask for more info. She looks to be a local day boat, the hull form has an up swept bow (bit like the Solent SCOW), what looked like a fin keel, with very flat dead rise and a firm turn of the bilge.
The deck was straight planked, but presumably was covered in the past, note the stem which is shaped to follow the hull planking, which suggests this was a quality build in her day.
Tugster Unthawed
7 hours ago
"Ou est mas" I think?? So "Where is my daughter Chloe?".. Google has a few stories on Figaro about a missing girl near Calais possibly related?