At last all is revealed, I first spotted this gaffer in June last year,a half decked day boat I thought she might be a Tosher from the west country.
We saw her again back in June sailing into the Hamble river and later on the marina pontoon opposite the yacht club. Alas the owner wasn't aboard and although it was clear she was GRP it was equally apparent that she was an unusual design.
All was revealed last weekend, when Mary Edna was once again tied up opposite the yacht club, this time her owner was aboard and more than pleased to talk about her history.
She's a one off built on the hull moulding of a Dockrell 17, a solid day sailor, well ballasted centre board design built in Tavistock.
The build started by modifying the sheer line of the GRP hull which was raised mostly amidships. She was then fitted out as a gaff cutter, with plenty of very nicely varnished wood - lovely.
Stena IMOIIMAX design fleet
11 hours ago
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