Saturday 11 April 2009

New crew sign's on

Apologies for the completely self indulgent post, but our new addition arrived yesterday and lots of people, have who can't get to visit have been asking to see him.

Here's his mum just a few days ago.

We'd both like the give our sincere thanks to everyone at Southampton Labour Ward, they were just brilliant. He finally arrived at tea time on Good Friday.

Weighing in at an incredible 9lb 6oz, he's fit and well as is mum.

Finally here he is still not a day old and enjoying all the attention.


  1. Congratulations both of you! He is a smasher.

  2. Oh, very much warmhearted congratulations to you both!!! He arrived at tea time--what a gentleman! he's very handsome, too. Congratulations, and welcome! christina

  3. Congratulations well done. With only a little more effort he could have been a Kiwi and spent his life sailing as sailing was mean't to be.
    Best wishes Russ and Gerrie.

  4. Congratulations to both of you. Wow, he has more hair than me! Best wishes to you all. What is his name?

  5. Congratulations. Mum and baby look gorgeous!

  6. Wow, thanks very much for all your comments, he's called Joseph, should be home in a couple of days time.

    He already has his first boat (I'll post something shortly :O)

    - his mum has also got her eye on a "Oppi" for him - you can't start em too young!

    best regards


  7. wow, max, I just arrived home from passover, and what a great package to find in my email. Congrats all round, and keep us 'posted'.


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