The event started in 1988 and has grown significantly ever since, entries for 2009 were approaching 300.

Four of the teams were from the Hamble Sea Scouts in "Exocet" "Schmidt", "Point Source" and "Sea Dart" with the other entries from the Hand Family in "Mistress" and Team Skill in the "Beryl C".
Exocet - 17th
Schmidt - 24th
Mistress - 40th
Point Source - 129th
Sea Dart - 130th
Beryl C - 149th
The Sea Scouts also won first, second and third class in both the Scouts Affiliated and Sea Scouts classes - 1st Excoet, 2nd Schmidt, 3rd Point Source.

Congratulations to the teams and those who helped organise the Hamble entries especially those who loaned boats and trailers.
There are plans announced at the recent Bursldon Regatta to form a Hamble Rowing Club in order to encourage more rowing on the river. The plan is to start with some more rowing events both competitive and social. The club also intends to have boats available to members.
If you are interested and want more information please drop me an email.
Chris Partridge rowed with the Langstone Cutters has a couple of great reports from the Great River Race on his Rowing for Pleasure blog
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