Friday 5 July 2024

Folkboat Friday

 Or rather folk boat derivative, the Contessa 26.

The story goes that Lymington yacht builder Jeremy Rogers co operated with one of his Folkboat clients David Sadler to design a (then) modern and updated derivative of the Folkboat in GRP. 

The result Contessa of Lymington quickly made a name in racing including round Britain and Transatlantic  races.

The boat continues with a strong class association to the current day.

Monday 1 July 2024

Bridge perspectives

 A few close up observations of the local scene taken from the Itchen bridge.

 This must have been magnificent in her day, pilot hour schooner, guessing around 60 to 70 feet, judging y the rust streaks steel built to go anywhere, lovely lines.

Other eclectic boats finding homes on the Woolstn side, at the rear a couple of river or Norfolk Boards pleasure cruisers and in the fore ground what looks like a converted fishing boat now doing service as a live aboard or weekend cottage.

Looks like this is waiting on some TLC, but a lovely boat for pottering around the Itchen and Soutampton water.

One of three local rowing clubs on the Southampton side, getting ready for some practice sessions.

 And some juniors from SWAC the Southampton Water Activities Centre