There were more than a few interesting small boats out on the Hamble on Sunday. In the morning members of
Hamble River Rowing took a couple of Bursledon Gigs and my own skiff “Gato Negro” down to the new café on Hamble foreshore.
Later members of the HBBR –
Home Built Boat Rally gathered at the Jolly Sailor with some fine examples which included on the right, an Andrew Wolsterholme designed Coot dinghy, built by Graham -
Port-na-storm and there for her maiden voyage, looking very pretty indeed.

Centre above, this delightful lug sail, cat boat was in attendance, instantly recognisable as are all the boats built by Chris in his distinctive blue and white livery.
Not new but none the less stunning was Tim’s Acorn skiff an Iain Oughtred design below.

The benefits of light weight were made apparent, Chris Partridge -
Rowing for Pleasure was able to lift his Chippendale Skiff right onto the pub steps rather than leave it jostling with the other dinghies tied to the crowded pontoon.

A great selection of boats, a waterside pub and sunshine, a perfect Sunday!
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