Although now fitted with some ugly industrial machinery, her graceful lines and quality of construction are still apparent.
Some canoes were drawn up on the foreshore at Hamble at the weekend, this type of open top kayak are very popular. Some are used by canoeists, for pottering or exploring and as a stable platform by fishermen.
I've been thinking one of these would be ideal for pottering around the river, being able to put it on the roof of the car would be useful as would facing forward to see where I'm going instead of seeing everything in rear view when I'm rowing
Then I spotted this, fitted with a small outboard it must be one of the smallest motorised canoes around, that's what I want, mind you the motor kill cord would have to be a hair trigger!
I don’t normally pay much attention to statistics around the Burseldon Blog, taking the view that I write about things I like and if people read them all well and good. But on the Blogger dashboard recently my curiosity got the better of me.
The information available is incredible, it’s possible to see which pages have been viewed, how often, which countries are viewing, even the source of viewer (presumably the previous site they visited). All very interesting stuff; and no doubt there are people who understand how to use all this information to increase the numbers of people visiting a site. But the thing that caught my eye was the page view summary for February below.
It shows how many times each of the pages of Bursledon Blog was viewed during February and what a surprise; Valentine Cookies was far and away the most viewed page – and not by a small margin, but with nearly 10 times as many views as the next most popular page.
There’s an old saying “lies, dam lies and statistics” well maybe we should add “and the truth about Burseldon Blog readership”. Not wanting to waste an opportunity to increase the readership watch out for upcoming posts on “Bursledon Bikini”, “Solent Stockings” and not forgetting “Hamble High Heels”.