Friday 7 June 2024

D Day remembered in Hamble

The evening of 6th June saw a crowd gather in remembrance of D Day, a march from the village square assembled on the deck of the Royal Southern YC for a ceremony  led by the Bishop of Southampton and then lighting of a beacon to mark the day 80 years ago, when allied troops left these shores in the largest amphibious force in history to liberate Europe.

Hamble Sea Scouts and Explorers were smartly turned out marching behind the are area Sea Scout band at the head of the parade.


It was a great demonstration of respect, appreciation and admiration. I might be contentious by saying  one of two of the speakers were too modern in their interpretation of recent history. Those who boarded the ships and planes and landing craft and who set foot, under fire on foreign soil 80 years ago were all men, that can't and shouldn't be denied. Nor indeed should we forget that in addition to the men from Britain, America, Canada and the other allied countries, far away to the East our Russian allies launched an offensive to hold German troops on the Eastern front while our forces established a bridgehead in France. We honour and salute you all.


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