We were passing Dolphin Quay as the tide was ebbing when we noticed this unfortunate situation.
It was just after neaps so not an especially big tide at HW so we wondered if they'd approached the moorings and got stuck and then unable to get off before the falling tide, especially so as the white yacht seems a long way out from the quay.
Returning from our walk later, with the tide well on the way to low water things looked even more precarious, the stanchions on the starboard side were not visible but clearly taking a lot of load so it would be surprising if they weren't bent or broken. The fore stay of the blue Southerly was taking a lot of weight and looked like the roller reefing foil was bent.
Hopefully they got off without too much damage or injury.
East River Catch Up 8
1 day ago
...I'll have a look on my way home if I get time.. :o)