Controversy down at Studland bay, the National Trust for some reason want to demolish the Middle Beach Cafe, the Sea School buildings and adjoining toilet block, to replace the latter with - can you believe it portaloo's.
The cafe has been a popular spot with visitors for as long as I can remember, housed in some old wooden buildings which have matured nicely and fit in with the unspoiled surroundings.
You have to wonder what's behind this plan by the National trust, the buildings are there, people like the facilities, why does it make any sense economically, environmental or aesthetically to start knocking them down?
Middle beach at Studland is one of the nicest, unspoiled yet still accessible parts of our local coastline.
The old wooden beach huts also add to the character of the place.
Retro Sixth Boro 81 B
21 hours ago
We have been proud members of The National Trust for many years. One of our favourite spots is Mottisfont Priory. Over the years we have seen this quiet corner being steadily commercialised and "Improved" by NT. Whilst appreciating the new toilets I can't help wondering about their business plan which seems to require spending huge amounts of money to improve the "Visitor experience" in order to raise the money to pay for the improvements. No doubt it keeps many salaried employees in work but in line with many other charities they seem to be losing sight of the very reason they were created in the first place.