I wrote about the Jacqueline class dinghy a few months back, the design is native to nearby Hill Head and was adopted as a one design by members of the Hill Head sailing Club.
It was a bit of a surprise recently to see on the club fixtures that the class has it's own Autumn series. Not having seen the boats on the water we went off to have a look.
It was a pleasant but almost windless Sunday and sadly only two boats turned up, but it was great to see them close up.
The picture above shows the high stem, apparently designed for the often choppy waters outside Hill Head the area is open to the Solent and the prevailing south westerly winds and can get quite lumpy at times. It also shows off the lovely clinker planking which absolutely shows off the hull shape a treat.
Interior is pretty much as you would expect, nicely fitted out, buoyancy bags, floor boards and something of a surprise it looks like a dagger board rather than a centre plate.
There was enough wind to get the very small fleet out of the harbour where the sails started to draw in the cleaner air. Great to see these boats out on the water.
East River Catch Up 8
23 hours ago
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