The yew tree had been connected with the journey to the underworld in many pre Christian religions and as an evergreen plant the yew was perhaps a symbol for the regenerative power of nature.
It may also have been that wild yews became scarce due to the early medieval longbow production, while Churchyards offered protective enclosures for the tree.
Whatever the history the yew in the church yard of St Mylor's on Carrick Roads provides shade and peaceful protection such that it seems a very intrinsic part of a sacred place.
More locally when not rowing, fellow blogger Chris Partridge maintains an interesting blog "Looking at Sussex Churches" many of which feature a yew tree in the grounds.
Many thanks for the mention, Max. I discuss churchyard yews at http://sussexchurchez.blogspot.co.uk/2009/10/churchyard-yews.html. The avenue of yews at Westbourne is truly remarkable.