I've probably mentioned it before but I have a real thing for
traditional day boats, so walking along the town quay in Falmouth recently I couldn't help but stop and look. Perched on the edge of Carrick Roads, surrounded by the delightful Cornish countryside I can't think of a better place in England to enjoy sailing an open boat.

Sadly some of these examples are badly neglected, but just look at that plan view (above), half decked with a small bow sprit, sweet transom and sweeping coamings, just lovely

It was difficult to get a good picture of Pelican (above and below), so you'll have to take my word for it she is one lovely yawl (or probably a ketch which doesn't seem an appropriate description at all). Having a mast at each end would keep the cockpit free at anchor for a picnic lunch or a spot of fishing, ideal for hanging a sun shade when things get too hot.

Further along towards town and altogether in better condition, ready for the season and about the size of a Wayfarer, but I'm willing to bet there's a heavy metal center board, slower possibly, but the stability and comfort will be rewarding. Gaff or gunter rig to keep things simple and the sails and spars will stow inside the boat.

Alas I need another boat about as much as, well a man with too many boats, especially a restoration project, unless of course I could find a couple of like minded folks to form a little syndicate.....