Friday, 7 March 2025

Holly Hill Walk -

I'm either one of those fortunate people who can work from my home office most of the time, or I'm one of those lazy low productive workers who are hiding away from the office - take your pick. Either way I take a daily, brisk lunch time walk down through Holly Hill woods and back up the river, roughly 5 Kilometers (three and a bit miles in old money).

Quiet apart from the exercise and getting way from desk, computer and zoom meetings, it's a daily cure for the soul.

The woods are varied, with steep drops, almost small cliffs going down toward the river.

In winter the leaves and bushes have fallen back to reveal vistas that are completely hidden during the summer months.

Amazing how nature can cope and grow back in the strangest ways

In years gone by this plateau area would probably have been coppiced for fencing and such like, now the fast growing ash (I think) mixes with the mature oaks and becomes very overgrown in summer.

Down in the valley local streams join together on their way into the Hamble creating a swamp area, especially at this time of year.

 I've been walking this route sine 2020 following an injury which made running difficult, but I found walking I was more connected with the environment than rushing by on a run and I seem to return to my desk relaxed and ready, clearly good therapy.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Along the foreshore

There's famous saying that when the tide goes out you can see who's not wearing shorts, or words to that effect. In the case of this fore shore adjacent Hamble Common LW springs reveal  several large stones which are probably the remains of St Andrew's castle which was built for Henry VIII after previous villagers had taken away the good stones to build a wall in Well Lane

Winter storms and big tides have also washed up some interesting debris along the fore shore.


Friday, 28 February 2025


 Absolutely no information about this large classic cutter, not even a name on the transom, seen in a local yard presumably in for maintenance.

That deep draft hull should have fantastic sea keeping qualities and track upwind like she's on rails, although reversing with that offset prop might be something of a challenge. Overall just lovely.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Please help – Malawi Project 2025

Son Joseph (15) together with a group of Explorer Scouts from Hampshire are going for a month in the summer to help build and equip a school in a village in northern Malawi.
Before they go to Malawi they’re doing a series of events raising money for the travel, equipment and books for the school library. One of which specifically is a sponsored hike along the Clarendon Way an ancient pathway linking Salisbury Cathedral ending at Winchester, some 26 miles in one day – March 8th.
It would be great if you could help with sponsorship, Joseph’s Go Fund me page is as below
It’s really good cause, helping some of our young people to help other young people in Malawi improve their education, so please dig deep, get all that lost cash out from the back of the sofa and give generously.

Many thanks
