Reading fellow blogger Steve's
Log of Spartina post about storing his boating equipment in his daughter's bedroom while she is away at college got me thinking about the sheer amount of stuff we sailors , accumulate so I took the camera down to the garage to see just how bad things had got.
I "thinned out" our collection of outboard motors a couple of years ago in anticipation of a house move which never happened, but since then numbers are increasing, there's also another one tucked away for spares, not to mention various tools, grease, oil ect.

I like to keep wooden spars stored safely in the garage over winter, not least because I'm lazy, some of that varnish is 10 years old and still looking good.
The deck and ply wood are part of the SCOW restoration which has slowed down recently with the pressures of work and domestic demands.

Doryman spotted the Bosun's Locker in my post about
steam bending and commented " No doubt full of rigging and other (nefarious?) tools of the trade" sadly all too true.

I currently share my home office with two sets of sails,all the bunk cushions which are nice and dry and safe from the dreaded mould, plus the accumulated electrical devices, compasses, binoculars, charts and other nautical paraphernalia kept safe and dry over winter, roll on the new season.