Monday 13 May 2024


It may just be a coincidence, but back in the early 1990's I owned a dinghy exactly like this, including the glassed over gunnels and rubbing strips and I admit to leaving it chained up on the foreshore for a couple of years when we sailed off to the Caribbean.

 Having got back to UK what with one thing an another it got forgotten and as far as I know, stayed chained up on the foreshore, until a few years later when it turned up in the Hamble having been bought for almost next to nothing by one of the old live aboard characters for commuting between his yacht and the RAFYC bar. 

He did quite a good job of fixing it up, including a fresh coat of battleship grey paint and it was in use until his death probably 15 or more years ago.

Maybe this isn't the same boat, it's certainly had some more nice modifications and in better shape than when I possibly owned it, but it could well be and it makes a good story.

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